I get more nervous about my goats kidding than I was about my own impending labors. This will be my 4th kidding season, so I've had enough experience that I'm not nervous so much in the sense of being scared, more like anxious and excited nerves. I love watching birth. Cow births, goat births, chicks hatching. . . I've never actually watched a human birth, but I was present for 3, no need to watch.
I could watch animal births all day. I'm fascinated by it. Especially when it comes to multiples. Despite all the grossness, it's amazing to watch a new life come into the world. You never know what you're going to get: girls, boys, colors, spots, no spots. I look forward to the improvements that new breedings will bring to my herd.
And mostly I'm just a sucker for babies.
Cute, cuddly, fluffy little babies.
With this winter being so harsh, I do feel a little worried about making sure that the kids are dried off and taken care of right away. A lot of pregnant women (myself included) report having a surge of energy right before going into labor where they have the urge to clean the entire house from top to bottom in order to make a nice clean place to bring baby home to (or into the world for those moms who homebirth). Goats will do this some too. We call it the nesting instinct. While some women start scrubbing the kitchen floors, some does will start to make an actual nest. Yep, like a bird's nest. They'll paw at the ground and bury down in a nice dry spot in their bedding to make a nice area to have their kid(s). They don't usually have their kids in that exact spot because they're getting up and down and moving around a lot while in early labor and don't always make it back to their spot to start pushing, it's mostly an instinct behavior.
I've had the same kind of urges already. I'm already planning on cleaning out the entire barn, and even cleaning off the back porch in the case that I have to bring kids into the house if the weather gets too bad. (Just wait for that post - it'll be more like an obituary because The Husband will likely kill me. . .)
There are some signs that you can look for to tell that a doe is getting close to going into labor.
About 4-6 weeks before they're due, some does will start to make an udder. Where their udder was just a saggy bag before, they start to fill out and their udder will fill a little like it's fully of Jello. I usually try to give them a bikini trim around this time, clipping the hair around her udder and rear so I can see the changes more easily, but in this weather I'll wait 'till they're closer to their due dates. This also helps the kids find the mom's teats, sometimes they get confused and will suck on random tufts of hair if they can't find a teat to latch on to.
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Piper's udder about 5 weeks out from her due date. |
My tried-and-true go-to is the ligament checks that I explained Here. Once the ligaments on either side of the doe's tail feel like they've disappeared, it's time. Sometimes this doesn't happen 'till right before or during early labor, sometimes it happens a day or so before she actually goes into labor. But when it does happen you know to stick around and watch her.
I could practically wrap my hand around Moonpie's tailbone, this was the morning before she went into labor. |
Her rump will look sunken in around her tailbone and her tailbone will appear to stick out. |
When things get down to business, the steps of labor are a lot like they are in humans. The doe will have a thick discharge, this is her mucous plug. Again, like in humans, sometimes this can happen days or weeks before she actually kids. With my own kids, I would lose it within a day of going into labor.
Moonpie losing her "goo". |
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Annie with a full udder and losing her "goo" last year. |
At this point she'll be getting up and down, up and down. . . over and over. . . She may stand with her head against a wall, facing away from everyone else, or she may be practically in your lap wanting attention and support. She'll do a lot of yawning and stretching and pawing, she may "talk" to her belly even.
Things are really hoppin' when you see a bubble start to appear out of the doe's vulva, you should see a pair of feet and maybe a nose in the bubble, or you may see just feet coming out. If you see a nose and no feet, prep yourself because you may need to help the doe.
"The Bubble" The white part in the bubble is a hoof. |
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Feet with the toes point down so they are front feet. |
Here is a clip from one of the triplets that Baerli had last spring. It's a pretty typical, eventless birth that didn't require much intervention. Recognize that baby? It's Miss Kay. And the Jennifer that I'm talking about in the clip is another breeder friend of mine who likes the sundgau color. I will apologize in advance for my annoying voice.
It's a gross, scary thing to watch or be apart of sometimes, but it's also totally worth it.
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Charlie the barn cat helping clean off babies. |
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Healthy babies! |
Moonpie was a good momma. |
Being a farmer isn't easy, it's not for the faint of heart, and it's not always convenient, but the rewards are totally worth it and there's a sense of accomplishment in having a hand in the cycle of life and where our food comes from.
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